
Influencing Toilet Paper Consumption Habits

In 2021, the tissue and hygiene paper market generated total revenue of U.S. $288.4 billion worldwide, and toilet paper was the largest segment of the tissue and hygiene paper market at 32%. Because the United State leads the world in toilet paper consumption and toilet paper is one of the largest contributors to deforestation, our group set out to understand this industry, look for more sustainable consumption options available and apply design thinking to offer new solutions to help shape customer behaviors and influence outcomes that will make a more sustainable future.

View the Final Report →

Our goals and objectives for this project included understanding the toilet paper industry, the main competitors, brands that were taking a sustainable approach to toilet paper production and understanding consumer behaviors related to toilet paper consumption.

We then narrowed our research to focus on a single brand. We selected Reel, a bamboo toilet paper producer that is available in-store at Target, online at various retailers and on the company’s website We then began an A.U.U.D.I.O analysis and here are our key insights from our report.

Our primary research included a survey and various focus groups. Here are a few key takeaways from our focus group responses.

Based on our primary and secondary research, we then looked at opportunity spaces for Reel. We began with product offerings that could be expanded and new products that could be developed based on customer preference and competitor’s offerings.

We also looked at how businesses and commercial contracts could open additional revenue streams and expand Reel’s reach.

Lastly, we looked at innovative ways we could educate consumers and raise awareness. From these ideas, we further developed the idea of the Reel Mobile.

We developed an ideal customer journey that included the Reel Mobile strategy and how customers would be able to experience the Reel Mobile, try the product, provide feedback and sign up for a subscription.

View the Process Book→

The Prototypes

Each prototype considered our main goals to influence consumer purchasing habits, motivate consumers, provide reasons to consider switching to bamboo toilet paper, and creating awareness of eco-friendly options.

see Landing Page Prototype→

SUST 713 Innovation in Sustainable Branding; Professor Satyakam (Saty) Sharma Project Team: Taylor Deas-Melesh, M.F.A. Design for Sustainability; Jonathan Barrow, B.F.A. Industrial Design; Micaela Argandona, B.F.A. Industrial Design


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